RIT in the news: Sustainability
“Waste not, want not.” Sure, we’ve all heard the expression, but have you ever really thought about its meaning. The Web site UsingEnglish.com sums it up by saying, “If you don’t waste things, you are less likely to end up lacking.”
RIT is working hard to master this philosophy, and the university’s researchers are increasingly being recognized for taking it to an exciting new level, serving as leading contributors to the study and advancement of sustainability. The Oct. 20 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education highlights the university’s effort to create a Ph.D. program in sustainability.
Earlier this year, the Henry Luce Foundation awarded RIT $465,000 to initiate this groundbreaking effort. In awarding its grant, the foundation highlighted the university’s impressive track record in sustainability, largely through remanufacturing activities in RIT’s Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies.
Visit the Web site to retrieve a PDF version of The Chronicle article. Along the left-side navigation bar, click “RIT in the news,” then “News, print highlights.” The article is entitled “The sustainability university.”