RIT’s Engineering House Students Build a Bike Path, May 11-12
Path to be used by tricycles at Margaret’s House Child Care Center
Residents of Rochester Institute of Technology’s Engineering House will be spending their weekend building a bike path on campus. But it’s not for their mountain bikes. It’s for the tricycles at Margaret’s House, RIT’s Child Care Center.
“We all walk by Margaret’s House every day on our way to dinner and we noticed that their playground equipment could use a little help,” says Mike Ellis, a fourth-year computer engineering major who has lived in Engineering House all four years.
Engineering House is one of eight special-interest houses that are available for RIT students to live in. Each house offers a specific academic focus to residence-hall living and offers students an opportunity to share their interests with others. Many of the houses participate in community service projects throughout the year.
The group beings work at 4 p.m. May 11 and will work into the night. The students will resume work at 11 a.m. and will continue until the project is completed. Media interested in covering this event can contact Ellis at .

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